Milestone Education Society is a non-profit organisation and completely an educational and secular institution in nature about all matters. Its main objective is to do organizational and structural work for the Educational development and carries out various initiatives that enhance education among all sections of society. It was registered in April 2006 in Pehowa (Kurukshetra) and continuously working from 2005.

Milestone Education Society, founded by some students to provide best environment for study to students and give them appropriate guidelines and feedback for study. Milestones are constructed to reassure travelers that the proper path is being followed, and to indicate either distance traveled or the remaining distance to a destination. For us Education refers to any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense education is the process by which society, through schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage–its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills–from one generation to another.We are inspired from the great educationists try to become a milestone for the creative and quality education.
“My final words of advice to you are educate, agitate and organize; have faith in yourself. With justice on our side I do not see how we can loose our battle. The battle to me is a matter of joy. The battle is in the fullest sense spiritual. There is nothing material or social in it. For ours is a battle not for wealth or for power. It is battle for freedom. It is the battle of reclamation of human personality.” -Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar
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